Our Brand Story

CEO &Founder - Freya Lian

“I started FurryTail with two close friends who share the same passion in animal rescue in Hangzhou, China in 2018. My love for pets started with my first childhood cat Furry.  Fast forward to 2022, I have 18 cats and 4 dogs (yea I am a pet maniac) and I named the company FurryTail after Furry. At FurryTail, all our team members are pet owners. So, we naturally have the furry babies’ best interests at heart. We are proud to have delivered pet-care products to
110 million homes across the world.

Through this journey, I have seen how pet companionship has empowered people to persevere. I’ve seen a depressed middle-aged man, rejected by social norms,bursting into tears, holding his cat tightly for support and warmth. From there, he pulled himself together and walked out his door with strength. I’ve seen a young woman trying her best to make it in the big city, brutally criticized in public by her boss. When she got back home, she took out a can of wet tuna cat food. While seeing her cat eating and purring, she sat there weeping but eventually regained the strength to evaluate the problem of a disrespectful boss and started looking for othe opportunities.

Each “Furry” story is unique, yet the shared vulnerability and struggle make us all relatable to each other. Those are my partners, employees, customers. It is these real people that solidified my purpose and preserved my faith in hard times and make me who I am today and lead me what I do in future.”


All of our team members are cat lovers and cat parents. Our founder even have 8 cats. She is commited to girlspower as well. We found we could barely see a brand specially for cats' all day life and cat people before.

Here comes Furrytail, a cat lifestyle brand with modern design and professional care. Furrytail is aim to build happy and healthy lifestyle between cats and people.

So we design not just for your cats but also for you, cat friends. We would love to hear from your story, so say hello to us and join our social media community!

  • Design, assembly and service with care

  • Eco-friendly packaging

Our Values


    All Furrytail Products Are Made With Love.

    We are true animal lovers, and we study pet behaviors closely. We know their routines and habits well.

    We make all our toys and supplies for the furry babies based on research findings in collaboration with top pet behaviorists. Premium quality and attention to details are our love languages.

  • It All Started With A Cat Named Furry.

    All our team members are pet owners. We have dedication for the furry babies imprinted in our DNA.

    We live and breathe caring for them. In 2018, Freya started FurryTail with two fellow animal rescue community leaders in Hangzhou, China. And this all started with the companion of Freya' s childhood kitten Furry. We don' t just sell products. We deliver to your home a token of love and shared experiences for you and your furry baby.


    Design To Fit Your Home And Your Style.

    We love our pets and we know you do too. Pets are not just cats or dogs. They are part of our life.

    The market does not lack pet products but great pet products with style are still rare finds. We strive to change that by offering you, the pet owners, premium quality, and style. We want whatever you'll get from us to fit well into home and with your own style.